
9th November 2011

Air-Source Heat Pump: Kidderminster, Worcestershire

Eco2Solar installed an air source heat pump to this property in Kidderminster. The system comprises of one 8.5kWh Ecodan air source heat pump which compresses air, drawn in from outside the property, to provide a combination of heating and hot water for the entire property.

We believe heat pumps to be a strong renewable energy investment, due to the fact that they have the capability to produce up to three times as much energy as they consume. Whilst they are not the cheapest form of renewable energy it is also important to point out that they are currently eligible for the renewable heat incentive premium payment of £850. This government-backed initiative provides financial support for those wishing to install renewable energy systems. The air source heat pump will also be eligible for the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) when it is introduced in 2012.

Homeowner, Mr Fox commented on his system; “I am very pleased with the effectiveness of my heat pump and the positive effect which it has had on reducing my energy bills. The heat pump is very efficient at heating my house; working well with my radiators and under floor heating at the same time, whilst providing a substantial amount of hot water for my home”.